WWDC开始了,一周时间会有大量Session可学习,这个页面https://github.com/twostraws/wwdc 收集了来自社区的各种WWDC活动、新闻和教程的链接,随着WWDC的进行,页面内容会不断更新,去年2020年的汇总页在这里https://github.com/twostraws/wwdc/blob/3d3b093218af06465b6b268b23e13e2ad6e2d9f8/README.md 。Apple官方收集的开发者组织活动页面是https://developer.apple.com/wwdc21/beyond-wwdc/ ,其中有SwiftGG翻译组组织的活动,介绍页https://swift.gg/wwdc/ ,会在本周每晚8点线上直播交流WWDC21中关注度高的话题以及live coding展示热点技术,嘉宾有喵神、故胤道长、mmoaay、61、钟颖、周楷雯等。
https://www.wwdcnotes.com/ 这是一些WWDC的笔记(比看视频快)汇总,可以订阅他的RSS,还在更新中
SharePlay(使用Group Activities框架)同步共享设备上App的操作和播放
FaceTime on Web
Live Text(看讲座时可以直接拍照拷贝代码了,iPhoneX below not support)
iPadOS 多任务感觉更难用了
Notes: Tag browser
Quick Note(方便)
Swift Playgrounds able to build apps(SwiftUI only)(Let’s try to build and upload App on iPad)
iCloud+ hides ip and location ==? VPN(VPN apps:”Shit”)
Craig drove Apple Car?
Universal Control (just support M1)
ShortCuts for Mac
Object Capture(Dream comes true)
Actor(Apple SDK会大量使用,@MainActor 属性包装 in UIKit,BUT,Swift Concurrency requires a deployment target of macOS 12, iOS 15, tvOS 15, and watchOS 8 or newer. :( Damn that’s sad)
A/B testing in App Store
Xcode Cloud(not in 99$,Bitrise die?)多设备云测试(截图)。自建的构建流程可以从中借鉴。
TestFlight for the Mac
Xcode 13 has Vim mode
Xcode 13 一些重要优化和新功能:
- Smarter Swift Code Completion
- Faster Swift Builds
- Swift Documentation Compiler
To build documentation for your Swift framework or package, choose Product > Build Documentation
SwiftUI gains more control over lower-level drawing primitives with the new Canvas API.
SwiftUI AsyncImage https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/asyncimage
List has gained a lot of new capabilities this year:
- Swipe Actions https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/texteditor/swipeactions(edge:allowsfullswipe:content:)?changes=latest_minor
- Pull-to-refresh (with .refreshable(action:)) (just work with List, not scroll view, bug?) https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/texteditor/refreshable(action:)?changes=latest_minor
- Separator customization
SwiftUI has a new, pretty cool, debugging utility to help you understand what is causing a view to be reevaluated. Call
inside the body of a view to print out the changes that have triggered the view update.SwiftUI:Map、Photo、ShortCuts、Weather、Apple Pay、Find Mine(WatchOS)
SF Symbols update https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/sf-symbols/overview/
AttributedString:support Markdown syntax,init(markdown:options:baseURL:) (you can delete your hand-rolled markdown parser) https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/attributedstring
HTTP analyzer in Instruments, intriguing(Charles?)
Surge works fine on the iOS 15 beta 1.
StoreKit 2 APIs Provide Customer Support
New ⌘+Shift+G in Finder
macOS 12 Beta 上微信会崩
iOS 15 Beta 非常流畅,九宫格键盘好用了
UIButton support multiple lines of text
Selective Shader Debugger
Screen Time API 家庭控制,做限制
- Write a DSL in Swift using result builders https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10253/
- Demystify SwiftUI https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10022/
- Discover concurrency in SwiftUI https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10019/